Tentang Kami

PT. Tritan Utama (DKI Jakarta, Indonesia)

P.T. Tritan Utama was established in 2013 - now. We are a company that provides leading and reliable bamboo, wood and plastic products in Indonesia with qualities that need not be doubted.
With successful and experienced people, we of course have a vision of becoming a solid and trusted company in the sale of toothpicks and wooden sticks. In addition, there is also a mission that seeks to innovate, to achieve a leading and reliable position, by supporting consistent customer satisfaction. We will allocate all of our personnel to provide the best quality products.
PT. Tritan Utama is very concerned about the services provided to customers so that we can become a company that can be called broad throughout Indonesia. Our products are the best and the highest quality products and the best prices.


Menjadi perusahaan yang solid dan terpercaya dibidang penjualan tusuk gigi dan stik kayu


Selalu berinovasi, untuk mencapai posisi terdepan dan dapat dipercaya, dengan orientasi yang konsisten terhadap kepuasan pelanggan


Tritan Utama merupakan salah satu usaha yang menjual produk bambu dan kayu terkemuka dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Produk  yang Kami jual seperti Tusuk Gigi, Stik Es Krim, Sendok Es Krim, Tusuk Sate dan banyak lagi. Kami menjual produk terlengkap dan termurah.


Office: Jl. Diklat Pemda Tangerang, Banten Jakarta Utara 15810
DKI Jakarta , Indonesia


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